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Ñîöèàëüíî-äåëîâàÿ ñôåðà

Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-01-16; ïðîñìîòðîâ: 2119; Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ



1. We are Building a House of Our Own

Wales – an architect who is to design a house

Bob – a client

Sandra – his wife

Wales: Now, I’ve made sure that the main services – water and electricity are

available in Manchester. So there is nothing to worry about. I’d like to

discuss with you the interior design. Shall we start with the downstairs or

the upstairs?

Sandra: Downstairs, please.

Wales: Here is a rough plan of the ground floor. The hall and kitchen are on the

side facing the road. The living-room and dining-room are on the south,

with side windows looking on the garden. They’ll get all the sunshine,

of course.

Bob: We agreed to combine the living-room and the dining-room, didn’t we?

Wales: Yes. You’ll see I’ve put a wall between the two rooms. The division can

be made by built-in book-shelves on the living-room side and cupboards

and more shelves on the dining-room side.

Sandra: An excellent idea! I like built-in furniture. It saves space, and is cheaper.

We won’t have to buy separate pieces of furniture.

Wales: You’re right, Sandra. Now I’ll go ahead. Here’s the hall and the stairs.

There is a door from the hall into the living-room here, and another door

on the right into the kitchen.

Bob: That al seems very convenient. As for the kitchen I’m afraid there won’t

be enough light. What can we do about it?

Wales: The door on the west side can be half glass, if you like. This door is for

the tradesmen. If you look at the sketch, you’ll see here’s a path from the

gate to the front door. Here’s the garage, on the west side of the house.

There’s also a door in the kitchen which leads to a cellar.

Sandra: Isn’t it wonderful, darling?

Bob: We were discussing lighting last time we saw you, Wales. Will that be

all right?

Wales: You say you don’t want standard lamps or table lamps, so I’ve arranged

for indirect lighting in the living-room. The cables will be built into the

wall. There will be also several power points at the lower parts of the

walls for the vacuum-cleaner, TV-set, CD-player and other appliances.

Bob: Oh, there is one thing I forgot to ask about the kitchen. Most of the kitchen

furniture will be built-in, won’t it?

Wales: Yes, the sink and the draining-boards will be under the windows. The

electric cooker will be in the corner, so there’ll be plenty of space for a

refrigerator, a washing-machine and a dish-washer.

Sandra: The kitchen is going to be just marvelous!

Wales: I assume we’ve settled the exterior of the house, haven’t we? Is there

anything you’d like to ask me about?

Sandra: I don’t think so. Thank you so much.

Bob: Please, let me know when the builders, carpenters, plumbers start work.

We’ll want to go and see our house going up.


2. Renting a Room

A: Have you a room to let?

B: Yes, sir. What room do you want? A double-bedded room or a single?

A: I want a furnished living-room on the ground floor with boarding and


B: How long will you require it?

A: I intend to stay about two months. Will you show me what rooms you have?

B: Certainly. Will you come this way, please?

A: I like the room. It’s tidy and comfortable.

B: The room is furnished and carpeted all over as you see. Here is a wardrobe

where you can hang your clothes.

A: I need a desk to work at. And I’d like to have my boots cleaned every morning.

B: Yes, sir.

A: And my breakfast must be ready at eight sharp. What will the price be,

including full board and attendance.

B: How will you take the room, by the week or by the month?

A: Does it make any difference?

B: It does, sir. If you take it for two months, you can have it for 60 pounds a

month. If you take it by the week, you’ll be charged much more, sir.

A: All right. I’ll take it for two months. By the way, where does this door lead?

B: To the street, sir.


3. Looking for an Apartment

Murphy: “Oceanfront” Realty. Bob Murphy speaking.

Collins: Hello. My name is Jack Collins. I’m calling about the ad.

Murphy: Which one?

Collins: The two-bedroom apartment. How much is the rent?

Murphy: $ 700 a month. You also have to pay a 700 dollar deposit that will be

given back to you when you move out.

Collins: How much does your agency charge?

Murphy: The agency’s fee amounts to one month-rent.

Collins: Is there a lease to be signed?

Murphy: Yes, there is. It’s a two-year lease.

Collins: It was not in your ad where the apartment is.

Murphy: Downtown. Park Avenue, 79. Apt. 3A.

Collins: Oh, I like the place. But unfortunately the rent is rather high.

Murphy: You won’t find anything cheaper in this neighbourhood.

Collins: I’m afraid, you’re right. I’ll think it over. Thank you.

Murphy: You are welcome.

Collins: Good-bye.


4. A Wonderful View from the Window

Gold: Swanson Agency. Allan Gold is speaking.

Taylor: Hello. This is Ben Taylor. I called about a two-bedroom apartment two

days ago. Is it still vacant, I wonder?

Gold: It is, sir.

Taylor: When could I possibly have a look at it?

Gold: In the afternoon after 3 o’clock.

Taylor: Is 4 o’clock all right? Does it suit you?

Gold: O.K. Let’s meet at the door of the apartment. Apt. 5A, No. 24. Beach Street.

Taylor: All right. Thank you.


Gold: This is a living room, as you see.

Taylor: Rather large. What about the bedroom?

Gold: Come on, look at it. There is a wonderful view of the ocean from its


Taylor: Is there really? That’s great! How many built-in closets are there?

Gold: Two wardrobes and a chest of drawers (one to keep clothes, the other one

for linen).

Taylor: Where is the bathroom?

Gold: This way, please. Here it is. A bath-tub and a shower. Now let us go to the

kitchen. As you see, it has up-to-date equipment, a new sink and a gas stove.

You can put a washing machine here; there is enough room for it. A

refrigerator, quite new. Do you like the apartment, sir?

Taylor: Yes, it’s good. I’m ready to rent it.

Gold: Well, you can sign the rental agreement in my study.


5. Buying a House

Ann: Hi, Bess. This is Ann. How are you?

Bess: Fine, thank you. Where have you been?

Ann: Oh, I’ve bought a house. I’ve been dreaming about it all my life. And now,

gee, I have it!

Bess: Congratulations! I think it’s wonderful to live in your own house.

Ann: Yes, it is. But buying a new house, you get a lot of problems.

Bess: What do you mean? Your house doesn’t need repairing, does it?

Ann: No, it doesn’t. But I need to repaper the walls and to furnish the house.

Bess: Are you going to do it yourself or will you invite a designer?

Ann: I’d like to invite a designer, but I’m afraid, I can’t afford it now.

Bess: How much did the house cost? You must have paid a pretty penny.

Ann: Yes, I have. You are right. That’s the problem. I had not enough money to

pay for the house at once.

Bess: How did you manage to buy for the house then?

Ann: I had to go to a building society.

Bess: What is it? Is it a bank?

Ann: Kind of. This society lends money to those who want to buy a house or a

flat. I took a mortgage which amounts to 90 per cent of the selling price of

the house. Of course, for 25 years because of the interest rate I’ll pay much

more than the original price of the house, but I’ll pay relatively small sums

of money a month and at least I can afford it.

Bess: Oh, that’s wonderful. I’d like to buy a house of my own too!


Vocabulary notes


1. cellar – ïîäâàë, ïîãðåá; âèííûé ïîãðåá

2. draining-board – ñóøèëêà äëÿ ïîñóäû

3. carpenter [`ka:pәntә] – ïëîòíèê

4. plumber – âîäîïðîâîä÷èê

5. to rent a room – áðàòü â àðåíäó / ñíèìàòü êîìíàòó

6. lease [li:s] – äîãîâîð îá àðåíäå

7. Does it suit you? – Ýòî âàì ïîäõîäèò?

8. bath-tub – âàííàÿ

9. up-to-date equipment [ik`wi:pmәnt] – ñîâðåìåííîå îáîðóäîâàíèå

10. I can’t afford it now. – ß íå ìîãó ñåé÷àñ ïîçâîëèòü ñåáå ýòî.

11. a mortgage [`mo:gidğ] – èïîòåêà

12. interest rate – ïðîöåíòíàÿ ñòàâêà



1. Between a Mother (M), her Son (S) and the Doctor (D)

M: Your nose is clogged up, your voice is hoarse and your face flushed. You

must have a cold, I’m sure. I hope it’s nothing more. Where did you manage

to get it?

S: I don’t know myself. I must have caught a cold last night after a game of

football when I felt so hot that I even took my jacket off.

M: How thoughtless of you, the evening was chilly and windy. Now you’ll have

to stay in. Here’s the thermometer, take your temperature.

S: Oh, I’ll be all right in a few hours.

M: Now, you do what you are told. Put the thermometer under your arm… Oh,

it’s thirty eight point three. You’ll have to stay away from classes today. I’ll

call the doctor…

D: What do you complain of, my boy?

S: I have a bad headache and a sore throat. I feel sort of feverish.

D: Let me feel your pulse. Open your mouth, please. Now, strip to the waist,

please. Take a deep breath… Here is the prescription. The medicine is to be

taken three times a day before meals, two tablespoonfuls each time. It will keep

the fever down.


2. At the Dentist’s

D: What’s troubling you?

A: One of my front teeth is working loose, and there’s a big one at the back that

wants seeing to.

D: You have to have this one out. It is a pity you didn’t have it looked at before.

A: I wish to goodness I had.

D: Does that other tooth pain you now?

A: Not particularly, just a dull steady pain.

D: The tooth is decaying and must be stopped. (The doctor reaches for the drill,

then cleans and drills the tooth with it, proceeds to make a filling.) Now we’ll

attend to the front tooth. Shall I apply an anesthetic to deaden the pain?

A: Yes, if you please.

D: Here is your tooth extracted. Now rinse your mouth, please.


Vocabulary notes


1. to complain of smth. – æàëîâàòüñÿ íà ÷òî-ëèáî

2. What’s troubling you? – ×òî âàñ áåñïîêîèò?




1. Requesting Travel Information

Traveller: Could you tell me, please, the time of the first morning plane to


Girl: Yes. The first plane leaves at 8.15.

Traveller: Thanks. And can you tell me when it arrives so that I can let my

secretary know.

Girl: It arrives at 10.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast

is bad.

Traveller: I see. Do you happen to know the time of the last plane this evening


Girl: Well, there’s one at 11.15 but it’s fully booked, I’m afraid.

Traveller: Oh, well, I wonder if you’d let me know at my hotel if there’s a

cancellation on that flight, I’d be very grateful.

Girl: Yes, of course I’ll do that for you. What’s your number?

Traveller: 3596. Thank you. Now could you tell me how I can get to Leicester

Square, please?


2. “Airport Customs” (by A. Hailey)

Madam”, said U.S. Customs Inspector Harry Standish quietly to the naughty angular woman whose several suitcases were spread open on the Customs inspection table between them, “are you quite sure you don’t wish to change your story?”

She snapped back: “I suppose you’re suggesting I should lie when I’ve already told you the truth”.

Harry Standish ignored the second remark, as Customs officers were trained to ignore many insults they received and answered politely, “I’m not suggesting anything, madam. I merely asked if you wished to amend your statement about these items – the dresses, the sweaters and the fur coat”.

The American passport showed that she was Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman. Harry Standish said: “I wonder if you’d mind signing this form. If you like, I’ll explain it to you”.

“Why should I sign anything?” Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman demanded.

He answered patiently, “To make things easier for you, madam. We’re merely asking you to confirm what you’ve already told us”.

“Suppose I refuse to sign?”

“Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation”.

There was the brief hesitation, then, “Very well. You fill out the form, I’ll sign”.

“No, madam, you fill it out. Now here, please, describe the items and alongside where you say they were obtained, please, give the name of the stores; also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift”.

“Madam”, Inspector Standish said, “Is there anything else you wish to declare?” It was Customs Bureau policy to give travelers the utmost opportunity to make voluntary declarations.

“In that case, Madam”, Inspector Standish said, “Will you kindly open your handbag?”

For the first time the naughty woman betrayed uncertainty. “But surely purses are never inspected”.

“Normally, they are not. But we do have the right”. Mrs. Mossman was noticeably pale.

The Inspector instructed the young Customs officer beside him: “Inspect everything very carefully. Check the things in the bag and cases, the seams and hems of all the clothes. Make a list. You know what to do”.

He was leaving when Mrs. Mossman called after him: “Officer!”

3. Arranging Accommodation

A: Good morning. Midland Hotel.

B: Good morning. This is Gane Stevens from Daxia. I’m trying to arrange

accommodation for a number of visiting businessmen from abroad, and I’d like

to know a little about the facilities that your hotel has to offer.

A: Well, the Midland is a 3-star hotel and we are situated five minutes from centre

of town.

B: Uh-huh. And are you on the main road?

A: No, we’re on a side street, and all the rooms are very quiet.

B: And what about a restaurant?

A: Well, we find that most of our clients prefer to eat out, and as there are plenty of

restaurants in the vicinity, we have only a small restaurant – but we do serve hot

food in the evening.

B: I see.

A: Of course we do have a bar – the Cellar Bar – which has a very intimate


B: And what about entertainment at the hotel? Do you put on any dances?

A: No, I’m afraid we don’t.

B: And just a couple of final questions. Do you have either a swimming pool or a


A: No, not in the hotel, but there’s a pool with a sauna just round the corner.

B: Well, thanks very much for the information. Bye.

A: Bye.


4. Before Boarding the Plane

Ground hostess: Your boarding card, please.

John: Just a minute. Oh, here it is, in my pocket.

Ground hostess: Thank you. Please look after it. You’ll need it again on the

aircraft. Now, will you please join those passengers queuing

over there?

John: Why, what’s wrong?

Ground hostess: Oh, nothing to worry about. It’s just our normal security check,

it won’t take more than a few minutes.

John: Oh, very well then.

Security officer: May I see your hand luggage, please?

John: Yes, but do be careful. I have a vase there.

Security officer: It’ll be all right. Now, will you walk between these two posts,


John: What is all this?

Security officer: It’s a detection device that shows us if anyone is carrying any


John: Interesting. What was that bell?

Security officer: Have you got anything in your right pocket?

John: Yes, my bunch of keys.

Security officer: May I have them, please? Now just walk through again, please.

John: No bell. It was the keys that made it ring, then?

Security officer: That’s right. Here are your keys back. Now walk down there,

please, and board the plane.


5. At the Hotel

A: Have you got any vacant rooms?

B: Single or double, sir?

A: Two double rooms, please.

B: You are lucky, we’ll be able to put you up. A group of tourists has just left the

hotel. Which floor would you like, sir?

A: It’s all the same to us if the lift is in order.

B: It has been out of order for a week. But I hope it’ll be all right now. Which floor

have you decided on?

A: We’ll take rooms on the fifth floor. How much are they?

B: Fifty dollars a night, sir.

A: O.K. The price is reasonable. We’ll take these rooms.


Vocabulary notes


1. weather forecast [`weðə `fo:ka:st] – ïðîãíîç ïîãîäû

2. cancellation on that flight [kænsə`lei∫n] – îòìåíà âûëåòà

3. I’d be very grateful. – ß áóäó î÷åíü áëàãîäàðåí.

4. to detain [di`tein] smb. – çàäåðæàòü, àðåñòîâàòü êîãî-ëèáî

5. utmost opportunity – ïîñëåäíÿÿ âîçìîæíîñòü

6. in the vicinity [vә`sinəti] – ïîáëèçîñòè

7. to queue [kju:] – ñòîÿòü â î÷åðåäè

8. reasonable [`ri:znәbl] – ïðèåìëåìûé


Food and Meals


1. Lunch for Two

Mr. Smith: Hello. Do you have a table for two, please?

Head waiter: Good evening, sir. Sure. Would you like to have a drink in the bar

first and I’ll bring you the menu.

Mr. Smith: What a good idea. What would you say, John?

John: I don’t mind.

Head waiter: This way, gentlemen. Now, what would you like?

Mr. Smith: Scotch for me, I think. What about you, John?

John: I’ll have the same.

Head waiter: So, two whiskies. Very good. Here is the menu.

Mr. Smith: Now, let’s see. What shall we have to start off with? The prawn

cocktail’s very good or the melon is not bad at this time of year.

John: Yes, sir. I think I’ll have the prawn cocktail.

Mr. Smith: OK. And what shall we have to follow?

John: You know what I’d like. Something typically American.

Mr. Smith: OK then. How about the roast beef?

John: All right. I’ll try that.

Mr. Smith: That’s settled then. We’ll have prawn cocktails to begin with and

roast beef to follow.

Head waiter: Very good. What vegetables would you like?

Mr. Smith: Oh, French fries and asparagus, I think. What about you, John?

John: Is that what one usually eats with roast beef?

Mr. Smith: Yes.

John: I see. Well, I’ll have asparagus but I don’t think I’ll bother with the

potatoes. Got to think of my waistline, you know.

Head waiter: Very good, sir. Your table’s ready when you are.

Mr. Smith: OK. We’ll be along in a couple of minutes, and would you send the

wine steward over?

Waiter: Any coffee, sir?

Mr. Smith: No, thanks, actually. We are in a bit of a hurry. Could we have the

bill straight away, please?

Waiter: Sure. I’ll bring it immediately.

John: Look, Mr. Smith. Let me do this.

Mr. Smith: No, no. This one is on me. You can pay next time. Here you are,


John: Well, that’s very kind…


2. At the Restaurant

A: Shall we have our dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals here

and the prices are reasonable.

B: Well, you lead. You should know better. (In the restaurant)

A: What shall we have? A three-course dinner, I suppose. I’m awfully hungry.

B: So am I. And I’m thirsty too.

A: Then let’s have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

B: I’d prefer orange juice with ice or iced tea.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please. Now, let’s see

the menu and here is the wine list too. How about some hard drinks?

B: I wouldn’t mind having a brandy.

A: So it’s one brandy. And whisky and soda for me. Would you like any starters?

B: A salad would do, I think.

A: And I’ll have shrimps. Would you like any soup? As for me I’ll have mushroom

soup and smoked salmon for the main course.

B: I like your choice. I’d rather have the same.


3. At the Restaurant

Waiter: Can I help you? (Can I take your order?)

Customer: Yes, I’d like hamburger.

Waiter: How would you like your hamburger cooked?

Customer: Well-done.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Customer: I’d like a coke, please.

Waiter: What size would you like?

Customer: Medium.

Waiter: Would you like anything else? (Will that be all?)

Customer: What kind of desert do you have?

Waiter: Today we have chocolate ice cream.

Customer: May I have a check, please?

Waiter: How would you like to pay? Cash or credit card?


Vocabulary notes


1. I don’t mind. – ß íå âîçðàæàþ.

2. asparagus [ә`spærəgәs] – ñïàðæà

3. in a couple of minutes – ÷åðåç ïàðó ìèíóò

4. wine steward – ðàçíîñ÷èê âèíà

5. iced orange juice – àïåëüñèíîâûé ñîê ñî ëüäîì

6. starter – ïåðâîå áëþäî

7. shrimp – êðåâåòêà



Buying Goods

1. A: Are you being served?

B: No. What have you got in the way of brown suede jackets, size 42?

A: Sorry, but we’re sold right out.

B: Are you likely to be getting any more in?

A: I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I’ll ring you.


2.A: Is anybody looking after you?

B: No. I’m after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.

A: The best I can do is a 36.

B: Could you order me one?

A: I should imagine, yes. If you leave your address, I’ll contact you.


3. A: Are you being seen to?

B: No. I’m looking for a pinstriped suit with a 34 waist.

A: I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.

B: Will you be having any more in?

A: I doubt it, but you might be lucky at our High Street branch.


4. A: Could you help me, please?

B: What can I do for you?

A: Could I look at the wristwatch in this case?

B: Just one moment, please, while I get the key.


5. A: Do you wish some assistance?

B: Yes. How much is that pen?

A: This one or that one?

B: The one next to the black one.

A: It’s 90 p.

B: May I look at your other pens?

A: Certainly. Fountain-pens or ball-point pens?

B: I’m looking for a good fountain-pen.


Buying Food

1. A: What can I get for you?

B: A pound of lump sugar, please.

A: And what next, please?

B: A packet of corn flakes, please. And yes, I’ll want some tea and also a dozen of

eggs, please.

A: Is there anything else?

B: A packet of detergent, a small size, please.

A: Are all right for butter and margarine?

B: No, thank you. That’s all for the moment.


2. A: Will that be all?

B: Oh, no. I’d like a pound of lean smoked bacon, please.

A: Will this do? It’s all we have at the moment, I’m afraid.

B: No, it’s much too fat. I’d better take some ham instead. How much is it?

A: Forty-three a pound.

B: That’s rather expensive. I’d better take eight ounces, please.


3. A: I want a tin of cocoa.

B: This brand is very popular, madam, I can recommend it.

A: I can see you’ve got a new kind of instant coffee.

B: It’s just come in. You might have seen it advertised on television. A large tin

or a small one, madam?

A: A large one, please. Have you got any powdered milk?

B: We’ve run out of it at the moment, I’m afraid.


I Have a Complaint

Salesgirl: Yes, madam? May I help you?

Linda: Yes, about the sweater. I bought it here last month. A few days ago I

washed it and the colour ran and the sweater shrank.

Salesgirl: Hmm. You must have washed it in boiled water.

Linda: No, I didn’t, I followed the washing instructions! I washed it in lukewarm

water, just as the label said I should.

Salesgirl: Well, I’m afraid I can’t exchange it for you.

Linda: Why not?... Well, then I’d like to see the manager.

Salesgirl: I’m afraid he’s busy.

Linda: I’m sorry but I’d like to see him.

Salesgirl: Very well. If you insist. One moment.

(She goes for the manager.)

Manager: Yes, madam. May I help you?

Linda: …about this sweater. When I washed, the colour ran and the sweater

shrank even though I followed the instructions.

Manager: Really? This has never happened before.

Linda: There’s always the first time, isn’t there?

Manager: I, I really don’t see what we can do.

Linda: Excuse me, isn’t there a poster over there?

Manager: Yes, what about it?

Linda: It says “We give our customers satisfaction”.

Manager: Yes, I know what it says.

Linda: Well, this store is supposed to give their customers satisfaction! But I am

not satisfied.

Manager: I, hmm. There’s a flaw in this sweater. One of the threads is a different


Linda: Is it? I can’t see.

Manager: Yes, there’s definitely a flaw there. All right, madam. We’ll exchange it

for you, but only because of the flaw.


Vocabulary notes


1. suede [sweid] – çàìøåâûé

2. pinstriped suit [`pin`straipt `sju:t] – êîñòþì â òîíêóþ ïîëîñêó

3. branch – ôèëèàë

4. wristwatch [`ristwo:t∫] – íàðó÷íûå ÷àñû

5. detergent [di`tə:dğәnt] – ìîþùåå ñðåäñòâî

6. complaint [kәm`pleint] – æàëîáà

7. lukewarm [lu:k`wo:m] – òåïëîâàòûé

8. flaw [flo:] – ïÿòíî, áðàê


Having Things Done


1. Mrs. Madigan Gets Her Coat Cleaned

The maid has just knocked on Mrs. Madigan’s door.

Mrs. Madigan: Come in.

Maid: You ordered coffee, Mrs. Madigan.

Mrs. Madigan: Ah, yes. Thank you. Put it here, please. (She tips the maid.) There

you are.

Maid: Thank you. Will that be all?

Mrs. Madigan: Yes, thank you. No!

Maid: Madam?

Mrs. Madigan: My coat needs cleaning.

Maid: Your coat?

Mrs. Madigan: Yes. Where can I get it cleaned?

Maid: Downstairs.

Mrs. Madigan: In the hotel?

Maid: Yes, madam. The hotel cleaning service is on the ground floor.

Behind the reception desk. Will that be all?

Mrs. Madigan: Yes, thank you. That’ll be all.

(Later. At the hotel cleaning service.)

Assistant: Don’t you want to take the buttons off?

Mrs. Madigan: No, no, I don’t think so.

Assistant: We’re not responsible for buttons left on articles of clothing given

to us for cleaning.

Mrs. Madigan: Oh, aren’t you?

Assistant: No, madam.

Mrs. Madigan: Mmm. It doesn’t matter. I’ll leave them on. Er, when will it be


Assistant: Tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Madigan: Can it be ready by ten o’clock? I would like to go out if that’s –

Assistant: Ten o’clock. Certainly. Here’s your ticket.

Mrs. Madigan: Ah yes.

Assistant: Keep it carefully. Goods will be returned only on production of this

ticket. You see the notice?

Mrs. Madigan: Of course I’ll keep it carefully. I never lose anything.

(The next morning.)

Mrs. Madigan: Well, it’s here somewhere. The ticket’s somewhere in my bag. I

know it is.

Assistant: Can you describe your coat, madam?

Mrs. Madigan: Yes, I can. It’s blue.

Assistant: Blue. Can you say anything else about it?

Mrs. Madigan: Well, no. It’s a…er…coat. And it’s blue.

Assistant: Yes, madam. I’ll go and look.

Mrs. Madigan: Now where is that ticket? I’m sure I put it –

Assistant: Is this your coat?

Mrs. Madigan: No, no. That’s black. Blue – my coat’s blue.

Assistant: Is this it?

Mrs. Madigan: No, no.


2. At the Repair Shop

George: Hello. I would like toknow if you could repair my portable television

set. It isn’t working properly.

Repairman: What seems to be the problem?

George: I was trying to tune in the sports channel yesterday and the entire

screen went blank when I touched this button.

Repairman: Have you used that knob before?

George: Yes, I use it often when I am trying to tune in different channels. I

think it is the knob for adjusting the tuning, isn’t it?

Repairman: From the looks of it, yes, you’re right. But I will have to take off the

back cover to see what the trouble is and see if it is adjusting to the


George: How long will that take?

Repairman: Only a few minutes. Then I should probably be able to give you an

estimate about how much it will cost to repair.

George: Well then, go ahead. I don’t know if it is worth to repair this old

thing but lets take a look.

Repairman: You can wait in the reception area and I will come out and tell you

what I find in just a few minutes.

George: Fine. I’ll be waiting in the reception area.


Vocabulary notes


1. knob [nob] – êíîïêà

2. to give an estimate [`estimeit] – äàòü îöåíêó


Leisure Time

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