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Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 567; Нарушение авторских прав

The p-n junction diode is among the oldest semiconductor devices. It was mainly used as mixers in the 1940s during World War II. The theory for the p-n diode was developed later by Shockley in 1949, and it was instrumental in the invention of the bipolar junction transistor. The theory was subsequently refined by Sah et al. and Moll. The p-n junction has been the most common rectifier used in the electronics industry. It also serves as a very important fundamental building block for many other devices.

The early version of the structure was made by pressing a metal wire onto the surface of a semiconductor. A junction was then formed by passing a pulse of current through the wire and semiconductor. It is believed that doping is diffused from the metal wire. Such a structure is referred to as the point contact and the metal wire as a cat’s whisker. (A point contact has the characteristics of either a p-n junction or a Schottky barrier, depending on the forming process. Another old process is the alloy method in which a metal containing the appropriate impurity is placed onto the semiconductor surface. Heating above the eutectic temperature would form an alloy with a thin heavily doped region at the interface. This technique, along with the point contact, is no longer used. The surface doping is usually introduced by ion implantation. Diffusion at high temperature can also be used, and the impurity source can be in a carrying gas or deposited material. A less common technique is to incorporate doping during epitaxial growth. The area of the diode is usually defined by an opening in an insulator layer.

A p-n junction can be viewed as isolated p-type and n-type materials brought into intimate contact. Being abundant in n-type material, electrons diffuse to the p-type material. The same process happens for holes from the p-type material. This flow of charges sets up an electric field that starts to hinder further diffusion until equilibrium is struck. In practical devices, one side usually has a doping concentration much higher than the other, and the junction can be treated as a one-sided junction. The depletion width and potential variation in the heavily doped side can then be neglected. A common use of the p-n junction requires it to switch between the on-state and the off-state. This reverse recovery limits a p-n junction to about 1 GHz operation. In order to increase the frequency response, the carrier lifetime г can be intentionally shortened by introducing impurities for recombination. The penalty for this is an increased leakage current. An alternative approach is to use a step-recovery diode.

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