The action will follow up, as all the problems could not be resolved in the two phases. Young hearts are striving to excellence by putting garbage urns on the university area, painting garbage containers using paints and brushes purchased for charitable money coming from an anonymous business entity…
Yet, the greatest problem is that the slope is still covered by garbage; it, therefore, should be cleaned.
In spite of the effort to clean the ravine, trucks are still coming to the area, to throw construction and household garbage. Activists want to resolve this problem by installing a toll-bar at the entrance to the university area; they are preparing the appeal to city administration. They hope that the appeal will help to put an end to ravine pollution, as public conscience cannot be relied upon.
Also, regular watering is impossible now. DNU administration pledged to build a water pipe from the botanic garden to the ravine, and the Jewish community pledged to give the university a garden hose for watering.
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