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The early pre-Roman inhabitants of Britain were Celtic-speaking peoples, including the Brythonic people of Wales, the Picts of Scotland, and the Britons of Britain. Celts also settled in Ireland c. 500 BC.

Julius Caesar invaded and took control of the area 55-54 BC. The Roman province of Britannia endured until the 5th century and included present-day England and Wales.

In the 5th century Nordic tribes of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded Britain.

Christianity began to flourish in the 6th century.

During the 8th-9th century, Vikings, particularly Danes, raided the coasts of Britain.

In the late 9th century Alfred the Great repelled a Danish invasion, which helped bring about the unification of England under Athelstan. The Scots attained dominance in Scotland, which was finally unified under Malcolm II (1005-34). William of Normandy (see William I the Conqueror) took England in 1066. The Norman kings established a strong central government and feudal state. The French language of the Norman rulers eventually merged with the Anglo-Saxon of the common people to form the English language.

From the 11th century, Scotland came under the influence of the English throne.

Henry II conquered Ireland in the late 12th century. His sons Richard I and John had conflicts with the clergy and nobles, and eventually John was forced to grant the nobles concessions in the Magna Carta (1215).

The concept of community of the realm developed during the 13th century, providing the foundation for parliamentary government. During the reign of Edward I, statute law developed to supplement English common law, and the first Parliament began to function.

In 1314 Robert Bruce (see Robert I) won independence for Scotland.

The Tudors became the ruling family of England following the Wars of the Roses (1455-85).

Henry VIII established the Church of England and incorporated Wales as part of England.

The reign of Elizabeth I began a period of colonial expansion; 1588 brought the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

In 1603 James VI of Scotland ascended to the English throne, becoming James I, and established a personal union of the two kingdoms. The English Civil Wars started in 1642 between Royalists and Parliamentarians, ending in the execution of Charles I (1649). After eleven years of Puritan rule under Oliver Cromwell and his son (1649-60), the monarchy was restored with Charles II.

The Great Plague (1664-66) broke out and up to 100,000 people died in London. This was the worst and the last of the epidemics. The disease spread throughout the country, but from 1667 only sporadic cases appeared until 1679. The plague's decline was attributed to various causes, including the Great Fire of London (September 2-5, 1666). Worst fire in London's history. It destroyed a large part of the city, including most of the civic buildings, St. Paul's Cathedral, 87 parish churches, and about 13,000 houses.

In 1707 England and Scotland assented to the Act of Union, forming the kingdom of Great Britain.

The Hanoverians ascended to the English throne in 1714, when George Louis, elector of Hanover, became George I of Great Britain. During the reign of George III, Great Britain's American colonies won independence (1783). This was followed by a period of war with revolutionary France and later with the empire of Napoleon (1789-1815).

In 1801 legislation united Great Britain with Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century, and it remained the world's foremost economic power until the late 19th century.

During the reign of Queen Victoria, Britain's colonial expansion reached its zenith, though the older dominions, including Canada and Australia, were granted independence (1867 and 1901, respectively).

The United Kingdom entered World War I allied with France and Russia in 1914. Following the war, revolutionary disorder began in Ireland, and in 1921 the Irish Free State (see Ireland) was granted dominion status. The six counties of Ulster, however, remained in the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom entered World War II in 1939. Following the war the Irish Free State became the Irish Republic and left the Commonwealth. India also gained independence from the United Kingdom.

Throughout the postwar period and into the 1970s, the United Kingdom continued to grant independence to its overseas colonies and dependencies.

With U.N. forces, it participated in the Korean War (1950-53). In 1956 it intervened militarily in Egypt during the Suez Crisis. In 1982 it defeated Argentina in the Falkland Islands War.

As a result of continuing social strife in Northern Ireland, it joined with Ireland in several peace initiatives, which eventually resulted in an agreement to establish an assembly in Northern Ireland. In 1997 referenda approved in Scotland and Wales devolved power to both countries, though both remained part of the United Kingdom.


Vocabulary notes


attain - добиваться, достигать

clergy – духовенство

conquer - завоевывать, покорять; порабощать; подчинять; подавлять (силой оружия)

(to) devolve - передавать (права, полномочия, обязанности и т. п.; кому-л. - on/upon); переходить к другому лицу (о должности, обязанностях, имуществе и т. п.)

dominion – доминион; владение;

expansion - увеличение, расширение; распространение, экспансия; рост, развитие

flourish - процветать, преуспевать, быть в расцвете (сил), быть на вершине (о людях, начинаниях)

(to) intervene - вмешиваться; вклиниваться, вступаться

(to) invade - вторгаться; захватывать, оккупировать

legislation - законодательство; законодательная деятельность; закон; законопроект

(the) Magna Carta - Великая хартия вольностей (1215)

(to) merge - поглощать; сливать(ся), соединять(ся) (with)

reign - правление, царствование

referendum - референдум, всенародный опрос (referenda- мн.ч.)

ruler - властелин, правитель

statute law - право, выраженное в законах; законы, статутное право, "писаный закон"; (common law - общее право; неписаный закон)

strife - борьба; раздор, спор, соперничество

tribe - племя




A.-S. – Anglo-Saxons;

U.N. – United Nations;



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