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Universities in the United States

Дата добавления: 2015-01-16; просмотров: 446; Нарушение авторских прав

There are about 3,000 universities that offer undergraduate programs. More than 1,000 universities that offer Masters programs, and approximately 400 of these offer Doctoral and Post-Doctoral degrees (PhD). There are several types of universities in the U.S.


Public Universities

These are state-affiliated institutions and some may include the words "State University" in their title. They are relatively inexpensive when compared to the other universities nation-wide, but getting admission into these universities can be more difficult than a private institution. State universities tend to be very large with enrollments of 20,000 or more students. Also, many government-funded research projects are allocated to state universities, which provide research assistantship opportunities for highly qualified students. Most of the universities offer partial or full tuition fee waivers to teaching and research assistant students.

Private Universities

Private institutions are supported by student tuition, investment income, research contracts, and private donations. Tuition fees tend to be higher at private universities than at state universities, but they charge the same tuition to both state and out-of-state residents.

The quality of education is equal between public and private universities. The main differences are funding and fees. Public universities are funded by state governments, student tuition payments, and private donations. Since public universities are supported by state governments, they give enrollment preference and lower tuition fees to the in-state students. All international students are subjected to out-of-state tuition. However, the tuition is usually lower at most state institutions than at private institutions, even for those who are out-of-state residents.

Community Colleges

These are institutions normally run by a certain community for their own people. Many high school graduates who cannot afford to go to a university, or who simply are not ready for a four-year institution, will choose to go to community college. These institutions accept international students, but they have a fewer number of attendees, as most students are commuters from the near-by area. Although community colleges focus on undergraduate programs, some offer good graduate programs as well. These institutions will be mostly located in suburbs, and the basic advantage in these institutions is minimum academic fees.

Technical Institutes

These are institutions mainly specializing in engineering degrees, mostly at the Masters and Doctoral level. These institutions are famous for their renowned research programs and most international students are attracted to these sorts of institutions.

Admission into universities is very competitive, and decisions are made based on the student's application package, including resume, samples of previous work, and letters of recommendation. Academic fees vary from university to university and usually range $7,000-35,000 per year. An average academic fee is $10,000-12,000 per year, excluding living expenses.


University Ranking

Various organizations define U.S. university ranking by various factors, such as number of programs, acceptance percentage, and enrollment. There is no official university ranking list available to students by the government or any educational-related organization. The most commonly used ranking report is the one published by US News.


TOP 20 Ranked universities.

Rank Institution Name City State
University of Southern California Los Angeles CA
Columbia University New York NY
Purdue University, Main Campus West Lafayette IN
New York University New York NY
University of Texas at Austin Austin TX
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign IL
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Ann Arbor MI
Boston University Boston MA
University of California - Los Angeles Los Angeles CA
The Ohio State University, Main Campus Columbus OH
Texas A&M University College Station TX
University of Maryland College Park College Park MD
Indiana University at Bloomington Bloomington IN
Penn State University - University Park University Park PA
University at Buffalo - SUNY Buffalo NY
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison WI
Harvard University Cambridge MA
Florida International University Miami FL
University of Houston Houston TX

Vocabulary notes


Schoolmaster-школьный учитель

plot of land-участок земли


elementary and secondary school-начальная и средняя школа

curriculum-учебная программа

guidance and funding-управление и финансирование

upon completion-по завершении

enroll-включать в список

obtain-получать, достигать

be admitted-быть принятым

bachelors degree-степень бакалавра

prior to-до

graduate school- аспирантура


allocate-размещать, распределять

tuition fee-плата за обучение



investment income

private donations-частные пожертвования



application package-пакет документов

samples of previous work-образцы предыдущей работы


excluding living expenses-исключая расходы на жизнь

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Graduate school | George Washington

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