1. Logisticsa) Another term for operations management
b) Computer studies of design system
2. Facility layout a) Organisation of departments.
b) Position of things and people in a work
space or factory
3.Facility location a) Geographical position of a work place
b) Place where the staff eat and relax
4. Product line a) Organisation of staff in a factory
layout b) Position of machinery and people in
a factory
5. Capacity a) Process of deciding how much a work
planning place should produce
b) Deciding when to operate at 100%
production level
6. Designa) Ideal production level
capacity b) Maximum possible level of output
7. Effective a) The percentage of a design capacity
Capacity a facility required to make a profit
b) The percentage of capacity required to
make a profit
8. Material a) Purchasing materials in the planning
Requirementstage of a project
Planning (MRP) b) Computer system to work out what is
needed from suppliers, how much is
needed and when
9. Productivity a) Measurement of output in relation to
investment (output)
b) Total volume of production in one year
10. Flowcharta) Process designed to improve quality
b) Diagram showing the stages in a process
11.Benchmarkinga) System of calculating the number of
staff required for a project
b) Using the high standards of compe-
titor organizations as a comparison to
improve quality
12.Just-in-time a) Way to improve punctuality among
systems workers by paying them more.
b) Control system to ensure that mate-
rials are received and deliveries made at
exactly the right moment to eliminate
storage and waste in production pro-
13.Computer- a) Integration of information system
Integrated and equipment in manufacturing
Manufacturing to ensure quality products.
(CIM) b) Using computers to design
world-class products.
14. Computer-aideda) Computer software to assist in design-
Design (CAD) ing products, making small changes
and product testing.
b) Computer design centre for advertising
new high-tech products.
15. Flexiblea) Total automation of a production faci-
Manufacturinglity bycontrolling everything with a
System (FMS)computer.
b)Matching orders to production.
Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the box.