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Учебно-социальная сфера

Дата добавления: 2015-01-16; просмотров: 730; Нарушение авторских прав

At the Library

Librarian: Good morning. Can I help you find something?

Sasha: Yes. I’m interested in reading about famous Americans.

Librarian: Is there anyone in particular you are interested in reading about?

Sasha: Well, I wish I knew more about the outstanding people who have

played a role in shaping American life and culture.

Librarian: There are many people that have influenced life in America.

Sasha: I wish I could read about all of these people. But I have only a few

hours. If you were me and you had only a few hours, who would

you read about?

Librarian: If I were you, I would read about some of our writers and artists,

such as Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, because they portray life

in America through their work. I also suggest that you read about

some of the American inventors, because their inventions, such as

the car, airplane, and the telephone, have changed our lives


Sasha: That sounds like a great place to start.


The Driving Lesson


Miss Green: Good afternoon. My name is Miss Green and I’m your driving

instructor. Is this first lesson?

Simon: It is my first lesson at this driving school.

Miss Green: Oh, you’ve been to another one?

Simon: Yes. The Greenwich school of driving. But I stopped going there.

Miss Green: Why? Weren’t the lessons good enough?

Simon: They were good but my instructor left.

Miss Green: Really? Well, let’s see what you can do. I want you to drive down

this road and turn left at the end.

Simon: Yes, all right.

Miss Green: You drive very well! I’m sure you’ll pass your test. All my pupils

pass their test. Oh, look out! That lorry!

Simon: You said turn left at the end.

Miss Green: When you want to turn a corner, slow down and look first. You

nearly hit that lorry. Please, be careful. Now, turn right at the

traffic lights… Right, not left!

Simon: Sorry, it was too late. I’ve turned left now.

Miss Green: Didn’t you see the No Entry sign? This is a one-way street.

Simon: Why are those drivers shouting?

Miss Green: Because you’re driving the wrong way down a one-way street.

Stop the car, please, and turn it round.


Instructor’s Notes


Ted’s instructor: Hello, Ted. I’m glad I saw you before lectures. Did you know

about the change in the examination timetable?

Ted: Change?

Ted’s instructor: Yes. The last day of examinations for your group will be

January 23rd not January 21st.

Ted: Is that definite? We were told they’d be on January 22nd.

Ted’s instructor: There can be no changes now. It’s definitely January 23rd.

Ted: That’s great. I’m going to London on holiday on January 24th.

Ted’s instructor: Have you finished your assignment yet?

Ted: I’m nearly there. I think I’ll give it to you on Tuesday.

Ted’s instructor: That’s good. I can’t let you have another extension.

Ted: I was really grateful for the extra time you gave me. That was a

really big assignment.

Ted’s instructor: Well, I’ll expect it next week. Now, would you like to hear the

details of the schedule?

Ted: Oh, yes, please.

Ted’s instructor: You’ll have four examinations. General mechanics is in the

morning of January 8th, Physics is on the afternoon of January

13th, mathematics is in the morning of January 18th, and

information technology in the afternoon of January 23rd.


Two Professors


Professor Brown: Hello, glad to meet you, Professor Smith, haven’t seen you for

ages, since I left the University.

Professor Smith: How do you do, Professor Brown? I haven’t expected to see you

here. Are you interested in superconductivity problems? By the

way, how are you making your living? I haven’t heard anything

about your work lately. I spent the last two years in Geneva as a

member of a special UN committee.

Professor Brown: I am with Bell Telephone Company. It is a global leader in

electrical engineering. And I deal with new technologies.

Professor Smith: Oh, your work is so important nowadays. Mankind needs energy

for producing light, heat and transportation. This is the basis of

our civilization.

Professor Brown: Sure, that’s so.


Interview with an Expert


Correspondent: Professor, how much impact does weather have on people’s

health and moods?

Professor: We know that weather has an effect on certain diseases such as

arthritis and heart disorders. Weather is also associated with

emotional problems and disturbed behaviour. It is not by itself a

direct cause of mental illness, but it can create an added stress on

people on top of marital, job and other problems.

Correspondent: What kinds of weather have the greatest effect?

Professor: Temperature is the most important factor. Heat is clearly linked to

mood disturbances. We find that heat is an important factor in the

increase of emotional problems.

Correspondent: How much effect does humidity have on individuals?

Professor: Rainy weather leads to gloominess and depression.

Correspondent: And sunshine?

Professor: It’s not too surprising that sunshine, especially in the North, is

associated with positive mood states, especially during winter

months. What’s more interesting is the finding that people are

more likely to help others and behave in a prosocial way.


Vocabulary notes


1. outstanding [aut`stændiη] – знаменитый, известный

2. significantly [sig`nifikәntli] – значительно

3. superconductivity [su:pəkondək`tivәti] – физиол. сверхпроводимость

4. arthritis [a:`θraitis] – артрит

5. behaviour [bi`heiviә] – поведение

6. humidity [hju`miditi] – влажность



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Situation II. | Социально-деловая сфера

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Аппаратное и программное обеспечение Графика и компьютерная сфера Интегрированная геоинформационная система Интернет Компьютер Комплектующие компьютера Лекции Методы и средства измерений неэлектрических величин Обслуживание компьютерных и периферийных устройств Операционные системы Параллельное программирование Проектирование электронных средств Периферийные устройства Полезные ресурсы для программистов Программы для программистов Статьи для программистов Cтруктура и организация данных


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